by Darrell Stern | Mar 3, 2016 | infusionsoft, marketing automation
You probably already know the importance of following up with your customers. But did you know that you can follow up more swiftly and effectively using Infusionsoft marketing automation software? Here’s how it works. First, you should know that everyone likes to get...
by Darrell Stern | Mar 2, 2016 | social media marketing, twitter
There are two important parts to networking on Twitter: First, you need to connect with the right people that you want involved with your business or service, and the people who can connect you to more. Although, there aren’t any true guidelines to what you should do...
by Darrell Stern | Mar 2, 2016 | social media marketing, twitter
What if my competition follows me on twitter? So you got a notification that one or more of your competitors have followed you on Twitter. What do you do? You embrace it. Here’s why: People follow leaders, in life and on Twitter. If you notice one day that your...
by Darrell Stern | Mar 1, 2016 | Content Marketing
Content Marketing Has 5 Primary Objectives The use of content marketing can be a very effective means by which to increase your online presence while also building trust with readers. For anybody marketing on the internet what this means is an increase in your...
by Darrell Stern | Mar 1, 2016 | Content Marketing
10 Easy Steps to Put the Person back in to Content Marketing Personas We’re going to put the “person” back in Content Marketing persona by walking through some really practical ways to understand exactly what your customer wants to consume. I offer you a method we use...