by Darrell Stern | Feb 26, 2016 | marketing automation
(And how can you protect yourself against flim-flam “inbound marketing specialists?”) We bet you’ve heard the term dozens of times by now, but maybe it’s always left you scratching your head. “‘Marketing automation?!?’ What the heck is that?!?” Fear not. Stern is here...
by Darrell Stern | Feb 18, 2016 | social media marketing
Why I love cruise control I was on the highway the other day as I typically commute at least once a week from Colorado Springs to Denver and visa versa. I just got a new car and decided to test out the cruise control feature as I didn’t have that on my older car. I...
by Darrell Stern | Feb 14, 2016 | social media seo optimization, WordPress SEO
Providing social proof on your website means providing evidence that other users of social media platforms have visited you. This builds up trust. Have you ever visited a webpage that displays a Facebook “box” displaying profiles of people who’ve liked the content? Or...
by Darrell Stern | Feb 13, 2016 | social media seo optimization, WordPress SEO
Integrate Your Social Media with Video We’ve all heard that a picture is worth a thousand words. If that’s the case, then a video should be worth a whole library, right? And social videos are worth more than that. They’re like entire libraries of information that you...
by Darrell Stern | Feb 10, 2016 | social media seo optimization, WordPress SEO
Integrate with Social Media Login Tools Social media login tools allow your customers and leads to register (log into) your website using their preexisting social media identities. How does it work? Your website offers a social login form. Your customer or lead clicks...