by Darrell Stern | Feb 13, 2016 | social media seo optimization, WordPress SEO
Integrate Your Social Media with Video We’ve all heard that a picture is worth a thousand words. If that’s the case, then a video should be worth a whole library, right? And social videos are worth more than that. They’re like entire libraries of information that you...
by Darrell Stern | Feb 10, 2016 | social media seo optimization, WordPress SEO
Integrate with Social Media Login Tools Social media login tools allow your customers and leads to register (log into) your website using their preexisting social media identities. How does it work? Your website offers a social login form. Your customer or lead clicks...
by Darrell Stern | Feb 8, 2016 | Content Marketing Agency
I had a small business owner tell me the other day that they thought blogging was for the likes of the Kardashians or Miley’s of the world. They had no understanding of the value in business, at all. Undoubtedly, those of us in this content marketing world, know it is...
by Darrell Stern | Feb 1, 2016 | Content Marketing Agency
I go to a lot of networking events with small business owners. I hear them say: “I don’t know what blogging is” “I heard blogging is good” “I should be blogging” “I don’t have time to blog” “Blog? Ugh. It sounds like just another time suck.” So, in an effort to...
by Darrell Stern | Feb 1, 2016 | social media seo optimization
Integrate with Social Media Sharing and Follow Buttons Here we should pause to insert a point of clarification. So far, we’ve spoken of your various social media networks (or “channels”) as if they exist independently of one another. But this isn’t the case. Or...