Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly evolving and advancing, with new breakthroughs being made every day. While AI is currently being used in a variety of industries, including healthcare, finance, and transportation, some people fear that one day AI could take...
In today’s world, online businesses have become the norm. With the advent of the internet, starting a business has become easier and more accessible than ever before. However, just because it’s easier to start an online business doesn’t mean...
Hi guys, this is Darrell Stern, your digital marketing Jedi coming at you. I wanted to give you guys a quick marketing tip on: Instagram: How to get your set of hashtags that you always want to use easy to find and use. If you’re part of the Stern Marketing...
Hey, this is Darrell Stern, your digital marketing Jedi and I wanted to talk about why so many people are trying to do video marketing and they’re just not hitting the mark. Now, you might think that it has to do something with what the person is talking about...
I’m Darrell Stern, your digital marketing Jedi. I’m here to tell you and to teach you that there is a direct methodology and philosophy that will get you from where you are to influence and profits. Read the rest on our CEO’s personal VLOG Sign Up...
Oh, hi. This is Darrell Stern, your Digital Marketing Jedi. I don’t know if you remember that song. What was it? The eighties or the nineties right? Living Colour, was it In Living Colour was the band and they came out with this awesome heavy metal, like really,...