Tagging Leads in Person #MarketingROI Part 5

Tagging Leads in Person #MarketingROI Part 5

You might be one of those people who thinks: “I don’t get all this computerized mumbo jumbo. I’m old school. When it comes to dealing with prospects for my business, I still like to press the flesh — meet someone and collect leads in person to really...
Tracking Your Leads #MarketingROI Part 3

Tracking Your Leads #MarketingROI Part 3

A business run haphazardly is a business doomed to fail. The key to staying organized is to systemize and automate sales interactions with potential customers. Wait a minute! Is Stern Inbound Marketing suggesting that you systemize and automate sales interactions,...
Lead Nurturing #MarketingROI Part 2

Lead Nurturing #MarketingROI Part 2

Sadly, most B2B and B2C companies we talk to think of leads as a kind of crap shoot. They equate following up on leads with betting on horses at the race track. Sure, you’re bound to win a few times — that’s just the law of averages. Lead nurturing...
What is a Lead? #MarketingROI

What is a Lead? #MarketingROI

Sometimes you get asked a question that’s actually several questions in one: What is a lead? Or, more specifically here at Stern Inbound Marketing, we’ve often heard people ask, “What do I do about leads?” What they really mean is: “How can our business spend less...