The difference between Content Marketing and Advertising
“Content marketing is a waste of time” “Social Media is a waste of money” “I didn’t get any ROI from that online stuff” I am disappointed when I hear small business owners say these things because really, it just means they don’t understand the difference between...
Analyzing Your #MarketingROI
We offer this last section on marketing ROI as a bonus to everything you've already read in Parts One through Six of this blog series. To borrow a term from The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, this is the stage where you "sharpen the saw." In other words:...
Creating More Leads and Sales by Leveraging Existing Clients #MarketingROI
Here's something we tell our customers over and over again, yet few of them believe it (at first). You can automate lead generation even after you make a sale. You read that correctly. Each time you close a sale, your businesses should be able to generate dozens of...
Tagging Leads in Person #MarketingROI Part 5
You might be one of those people who thinks: "I don’t get all this computerized mumbo jumbo. I'm old school. When it comes to dealing with prospects for my business, I still like to press the flesh -- meet someone and collect leads in person to really get to know...
Systemizing and Automating Lead Outreach #MarketingROI Part 4
Automating lead outreach builds even stronger relationships with leads. In fact your company can: offer free downloads (such as an e-book or white paper) post enhanced content such as a blog (like this one!) or a library of instructional videos, or maintain an online...
Tracking Your Leads #MarketingROI Part 3
A business run haphazardly is a business doomed to fail. The key to staying organized is to systemize and automate sales interactions with potential customers. Wait a minute! Is Stern Inbound Marketing suggesting that you systemize and automate sales interactions,...
Lead Nurturing #MarketingROI Part 2
Sadly, most B2B and B2C companies we talk to think of leads as a kind of crap shoot. They equate following up on leads with betting on horses at the race track. Sure, you're bound to win a few times -- that's just the law of averages. Lead nurturing is basically luck...
What is a Lead? #MarketingROI
Sometimes you get asked a question that’s actually several questions in one: What is a lead? Or, more specifically here at Stern Inbound Marketing, we’ve often heard people ask, “What do I do about leads?” What they really mean is: “How can our business spend less...
Creating an Inbound Experience for your Website Visitors and Sales Opportunities For Your Business
At the Inbound 2013 conference Dharmesh Shah of Hubspot spoke about how to create an inbound experience. The people at Infusionsoft preach a customer life cycle. Both are on the right track and I have run my inbound marketing agency for the past decade with the mantra...