Analyzing Your #MarketingROI

Analyzing Your #MarketingROI

We offer this last section on marketing ROI as a bonus to everything you've already read in Parts One through Six of this blog series. To borrow a term from The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, this is the stage where you "sharpen the saw." In other words:...

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Lead Nurturing #MarketingROI Part 2

Lead Nurturing #MarketingROI Part 2

Sadly, most B2B and B2C companies we talk to think of leads as a kind of crap shoot. They equate following up on leads with betting on horses at the race track. Sure, you're bound to win a few times -- that's just the law of averages. Lead nurturing is basically luck...

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What is a Lead? #MarketingROI

What is a Lead? #MarketingROI

Sometimes you get asked a question that’s actually several questions in one: What is a lead? Or, more specifically here at Stern Inbound Marketing, we’ve often heard people ask, “What do I do about leads?” What they really mean is: “How can our business spend less...

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