Stop calling it “Responsive Web Design” if you don’t know what that means
The term “responsive web design” started gaining traction back in 2010, when “A Dao of Web Design” by John Allsopp caught the community’s eye, but today the term is often over applied or mishandled entirely. When a new buzzword becomes the go-to phrase for the entire...
No! You Don’t Need an App! What You Need is Responsive Design
No! You Don’t Need an App! What You Need is Responsive Design Stop spending so much time trying to develop the latest, greatest marketing app! Right now, every company, their brother, and a few of their cousins want to design an app to help promote their website, but...
How do I keep more of what I make? Tax Reform and the Fiscal Cliff Deal
Bryan Clark is an extremely talented CPA located in Monument Colorado. He can stand on 20 years of experience helping SMB and large enterprises with their full-scale accounting needs. Mr. Clark is our guest blogger on this week. The most frequent...
Responsive Website Design and Images CSS Media Queries
stern is a leading Inbound Marketing Agency Located in Aurora Colorado. One of the biggest problems with mobile compatible responsive website design is image sizes. Gone are the days when we could just slap an 800 by 350 pixel banner image at the top of our website...
Responsive Portrait Vs Landscape CSS
There is a difference in screen width on any tablet between portrait and landscape mode. This can create issues in responsive website design. You might think your website should be PHONE compatible and it should and will be when you work with the stern responsive...
How do we talk about our talents properly? The Man of Steel
We all consider ourselves to be talented individuals or at least we should. But when running a business, attracting clients and dealing with employees is there a time when TACT must come into play and perhaps being TOO bold and TOO vocal about our abilities can...
Ode to the Underpants Gnomes
My favorite episode of South Park EVER is entitled the Underpants Business and features a visit to the marketing and business strategy labyrinth of the Underpants Gnomes. What is YOUR Phase 2?
Why Google Places is so important to YOUR Local business?
Google places, a service of big G, has got lot to do with in the business strategy of Local business owners. If any local business owner is not taking due advantage of Google Places, he is then skipping a bigger opportunity and hence losing business. Only SEO of the...
The 411 on Blogging and Content Marketing
The 411 on Blogging and Content Marketing Do you find yourself with “Blank Screen Syndrome”? You are not alone. Here are seven ideas to get you started. Answer customer questions: This should be a no brainer for business bloggers. Collect the questions for...