The Zen of Social Media Marketing
The Zen of Social Media Marketing Online Marketing Basics “Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.” – John Rohn What is Online Marketing? Online Marketing is the Art and Science...
CSS Media Queries How Responsive Web Design Works
CSS Media Queries How Responsive Web Design Works Responsive Web Design is an approach to website development that enables a website to be viewable on all devices without having to change content. For those of you with a computer programming background, and for those...
Why my business needs a Responsive Web Design
Why my business needs a responsive website design Responsive web design is an approach to constructing a website to provide an optimal viewing experience across multiple platforms. In plain English, the website code "responds" to the viewable area of the web browser,...
Become a Tweeter. Twitter 101
Become a Tweeter. Twitter 101 Twitter can be a little intimidating. It takes some getting used to. Maybe the best way to explain what Twitter is. . . is to explain how it is NOT like Facebook. Instead of posting a status, you “Tweet”. . . which is only 140...
Social Media – The #2 Reason Why Your Business Needs a Mobile Compatible Responsive Web Design
Social Media - The #2 Reason Why Your Business Needs a Mobile Compatible Responsive Web Design As of April of this year. . . there are just under a BILLION registered users on Facebook, making it likely that it will pass the 1 billion mark well before the end of the...
Email – The #1 Reason Why Your Business Needs a Mobile Compatible Responsive Web Design
Email - The #1 Reason Why Your Business Needs a Mobile Compatible Responsive Web Design While at the Success 2012 Seminar at the Aurora Convention Center last month, I received an email from a potential new contact on LinkedIn. Under his email signature, I clicked on...
Facebook Image Sizes: Here are the numbers you need…
Facebook image sizes are continually changing. Here is a quick guide for those of you who use Pixelmator and Photoshop to create custom images for your Fan Pages. Cover Photo: Width: 851px Height: 315px Profile Image: Width: 180px Height: 180px Application Icons:...
Content Marketing 101 Ten Types of Content that Work
Content Marketing 101 Ten Types of Content that Work Content marketing is an online marketing practice of creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience - with the objective of...
Using Google Fonts In Responsive Design
Using Google Fonts In Responsive Design stern, a Aurora Web Design Company uses Google Fonts in almost all of our Responsive Web Design. Typography is a field that deals with both artistic sensibilities and practicality. Great fonts should be easy to read, but they...