Instagram’s Impending Algorithm and How it Changes Your Social Media Marketing
Following Facebook and Twitter’s lead, Instagram recently announced that they would be releasing an algorithmic update to users’ feeds based on their interests and interactions. Previously, the photo sharing social platform’s feed showed content in the chronological...
Why TAGS Are The Most Important Tool In INFUSIONSOFT
Most fledgling marketers don’t understand that search engines scan each webpage for three vital pieces of information: the page’s Title, Description, and Keywords. Collectively, these pieces of information are known as meta tags, but they hold different weights in search engine optimization
Ten Sales Touches With Inbound Marketing
Studies show that most clients need 5-10 ‘touches’ in order to do business with us. (see: Why it Takes 7-13 Touches from OMI and “It Takes 6-8 Touches.. from Salesforce) So the big question becomes, how do we create relationships that create those 5-10 touches? I...
Should Our Company Outsource Our Content Marketing?
Should I outsource my blog writing and Content Marketing? I met a woman once who was in marketing. One of the services she offered was doing networking on behalf of other companies. In essence, she became an outsourced sales rep who attended events for the purpose of...
Without an inbound marketing component, your business might as well be operating under a rock someplace. You won’t experience the kind of growth you deserve. Moreover, if you languish too long, your competitors will become predators. They will take you out of the...
3 Reasons to Use Twitter
Twitter Advertising Gone are the days of placing an ad in the yellow pages of the phone book. Now is the time to jump on the social media wagon if you haven't already because you can't afford to miss out on the valuable marketing opportunities. Twitter is a prime...
Using Infusionsoft To Nail Your Post Sales Follow Up
we recommend that you reach out to your customers for a period of six months after closing a sale. You can use Infusionsoft to automate “soft touch” techniques such as emailed thank yous and reminders, or get a bit more personal and place a phone call or (in cases of larger accounts) invite someone to meet in person.
Twitter Beyond Monitoring
There are two important parts to networking on Twitter: First, you need to connect with the right people that you want involved with your business or service, and the people who can connect you to more. Although, there aren’t any true guidelines to what you should do...
What if My Competition Follows Me on Twitter?
What if my competition follows me on twitter? So you got a notification that one or more of your competitors have followed you on Twitter. What do you do? You embrace it. Here's why: People follow leaders, in life and on Twitter. If you notice one day that your...