by Darrell Stern | Nov 7, 2015 | inbound marketing agency, inbound marketing strategies
At the Inbound 2013 conference Dharmesh Shah of Hubspot spoke about how to create an inbound experience. The people at Infusionsoft preach a customer life cycle. Both are on the right track and I have run my inbound marketing agency for the past decade with the mantra...
by Darrell Stern | Nov 13, 2013 | social media
OK NBC Carson Daly and the Voice producers. You can’t have a LIVE nationwide vote on Twitter! The show is on at different times in different time zones throughout the country. It was not until the end of the show when FINALLY a lower third popped up saying...
by Darrell Stern | Nov 10, 2013 | Content Marketing Agency
It can be difficult to separate your own thoughts and ideas about your business from your customer’s. When we work on content marketing Stern always remember that the second word in content marketing is marketing. Marketing is the art of starting meaningful...
by Darrell Stern | Oct 27, 2013 | mobile responsive marketing
I was strolling through the Cherry Creek Mall in Colorado a few weeks ago and noticed a large poster for a Music in the Schools charity with John Stamos on it. In the bottom right corner was a large QR code. I always scan these codes for one reason. I want to see if...
by Darrell Stern | Jul 7, 2013 | social media
Facebook Now Coming Out With Hashtags? Facebook is a major player in the social media arena, so one would think that it would have implemented the use of hashtags long before now. However, up until recently Facebook has been hashtag-free. However, as of last week the...