Here’s something we tell our customers over and over again, yet few of them believe it (at first).

You can automate lead generation even after you make a sale.

You read that correctly.

Each time you close a sale, your businesses should be able to generate dozens of new leads . . . if you’re properly set up. You can now begin leveraging existing clients!

How can this happen? By several methods.

What if you automated requests for referrals? In this scenario, once you close business with a customer, your system sends out an email asking them to refer friends and colleagues to the good or the service you provided to them.


You could just as easily automate feedback surveys that go out once your business transaction has closed.

Feedback surveys can be immensely powerful drivers for your business success. If worded correctly, they can give you insight into:

  •        how your customers perceived various aspects of your company — customer service, website clarity, delivery times, etc.
  •        which areas of your company they thought could use improvement.
  •        the perceived quality of the good or the service your company provided for them.
  •        and so on. You name it, the sky’s the limit!

A feedback survey can also be used to request referrals. As well as to track which new leads came from which of your prior customers.

And here’s something else you might think about:

When the time is right, you can also draw from your database of existing or prior clients to pitch upgrades to new products and new levels of service.

These pitches will cost you practically nothing in terms of time, money, and manpower and is just one more way to continue leveraging existing clients.

If they’re even minimally effective, they will generate “found money”: sales revenue that you never would have booked through your old business paradigm. Or could only have booked by exerting comparably massive effort.

We’re really just getting started with strategies for generating and nurturing even more leads post sales.

For now, here’s your takeaway from Part Six of this blog series:

Countless simple but powerful processes exist by which you can (and should) systemize and automate the generation new leads and sales based on business you’ve already done by leveraging existing clients.

Let’s pause here a moment. Because we’d like to make a bet with you now.

We bet that many of you started reading this blog thinking:

  • “Wouldn’t it be great to feel like marketing isn’t a crap shoot?”
  •  “Wouldn’t it be great if there was some way to prove that the money my firm spends on marketing is effective at generating leads and sales?”
  • “Wouldn’t it be great if we could spend less time chasing prospective clients and more time evaluating them. Less time taking stabs in the dark and more time targeting qualified buyers?”
  • “Wouldn’t it be great if all this could be done almost effortlessly using modern technology?”

Well. By now we hope that you see very clearly . . .

The answer to all these questions and more is yes!



Stern is an Inbound Marketing firm. We focus on lead generation and nurturing by leveraging existing clients through strategic Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing, and Social Media Marketing. We carefully measure and report our results. Our top clients report an 8 to 1 or higher #MarkeingROI on their investment.